The Jan. ’11 Revenue Package + Further Reform in Illinois: Donors Forum’s Statement

January 14, 2011

Statehouse In the wake of a politically difficult vote to temporarily increase the state individual income tax, Donors Forum commends state leaders who were instrumental in helping Illinois take the first step of many to rebuild Illinois' fiscal foundation. With an already running deficit of $15 billion, our leaders will need a full toolbox in order to address Illinois' various problems; decisions on both the revenue and expense side of our State's budget balance sheet will need to be made.

As the voice of the nonprofit and philanthropic sector in our state, Donors Forum continues to be an advocate for adequate revenue and prompt payment for nonprofit providers and comprehensive long-term structural reform in order to create a healthier fiscal and contracting environment for the nonprofit sector. With much hard work still ahead, Donors Forum strongly urges our leaders in Springfield to continue to pursue further reform policies and practices that will stabilize and move Illinois forward.

Related resources:

~ The Donors Forum Team

Photograph of Old State Capitol in Springfield  by Randy Von Liski via Creative Commons.


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