Have It Their Way (Be More Responsive to Consumer Demands): Learn About CSR Best Practices at Our Upcoming Workshop Series
This morning, I awoke to a highly unexpected story about Burger King ‘s decision to source all of their egg and pork products from cage-free farms. This announcement, from the second largest fast food vendor in the country, really highlights how mainstream corporate social responsibility programs have become, and if this trend continues, all companies may have to prove their commitment to CSR policies in order to remain competitive.
A new Nielsen study entitled “The Global, Socially-Conscious Consumer” highlights their findings on this new demographic. Their research has confirmed that, in general, consumers are more attuned to corporate social-responsibility (66% would select a product or service from a company that is known for their socially responsive policies), and that these global, socially conscious consumers (49% of all consumers) will pay more for these products and services. The study also identifies social causes that resonate most with these consumers and which ones they believe companies should be supporting – environmental causes were considered the top issue globally, and the report also identifies how age, gender, and region of origin affects these consumer preferences. In addition to selecting an issue that aligns with a company’s mission and consumer preferences, companies also need to combine these programs with consumer engagement strategies and communications. The Nielsen report also diagrams which advertising strategies have the highest trust among consumers- recommendations from friends were the most effective, followed by online consumer reviews and branded websites.
If you’re looking for more practical advice to help you design, implement, and measure the effectiveness of a CSR strategy, register now for the upcoming Donors Forum CSR Workshop Series. At this 3-part workshop series, Todd Knowlton of the TCC Group will present, and the first session will be held May 4th. Hurry – the registration deadline is Wednesday, May 2nd!
~Allison Rosenthal, Member Services Associate