Call for Articles for New Special Edition of Social Innovations Journal
Good ideas inspire more good ideas!
We've teamed up with the Social Innovations Journal, the Chicago Public Library, and The Law Offices of Marc J. Lane to publish a Special Edition highlighting Chicago’s most innovative solutions to solve society’s toughest problems.
We are encourage all Chicago-area social enterprises and public/private partnerships to submit your innovation for publication consideration. The value that entrepreneurs and innovators bring to local communities and regions across the nation is often, to our collective societal detriment, overlooked. Submit your social innovation by February 10, 2017 by completing this short survey. The Journal team will review the submissions and invite approximately 25 authors to publish their social innovation in this special edition.
We will commemorate this publication with a launch event on April 26, 2017 from 2:00 – 5:30 at the Chicago Public Library. This launch event will precede the Social Ventures Partners fast-pitch event from 6:00 – 8:00 at Uptake 600 W. Chicago Ave.