Forefront Radio: Using Design Thinking to Create Sustainable Solutions for Social Change

January 30, 2017

Editor's note: George Aye (Founder, Greater Good Studio) will host a webinar on 2/28: Prototype Before You Pilot: Human-Centered Design for the Social Sector. Register here.

In this episode of Forefront Radio, we'll talk with George Aye, founder of Greater Good Studio, and Raissa Allaire, COO of the Center for Economic Progress, about human-centered design for the social sector. A problem solving process grounded in empathy and iteration, human-centered design principles create a powerful framework to turn ideas into action and facilitate alignment of people from diverse backgrounds. In nonprofits and other social impact organizations, these principles allow us to meet the needs of the people we serve faster, smarter, and more efficiently. 


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Thanks for listening!

— Kathleen Murphy, Director, Communications


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