Guest Post: Independent Sector Testifies Before House Ways + Means Subcommittee
The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing on May 16, 2012 to examine the operations and oversight of the tax exempt sector, and Independent Sector was pleased to be invited to represent the views of our members and the sector at large.
In his opening statement, Chairman Charles Boustany (R-LA) highlighted the importance of the issue to the Subcommittee, saying, “With so many Americans relying on, working for, and engaged in economic relationships with tax-exempt organizations, taxpayers should have confidence that tax-exempt organizations, especially charitable organizations, are operating efficiently and hopefully using good governance practices to maximize benefits provided to the community.”
In her testimony before the Subcommittee, Independent Sector president and CEO Diana Aviv emphasized the tax exempt sector’s commitment to improving governance, transparency and accountability, and the significant strides that have been made in recent years. She cited the numerous improvements to governance and oversight of the sector since 2006, particularly in the areas of self-regulation, changes in the law, and the redesigned IRS Form 990.
In addition, she asked that as Congress looks toward comprehensive tax reform, they keep in mind the value of charitable giving to the work of public charities and private foundations, and the important role of tax policy in encouraging that giving. As she told the Subcommittee, “Millions of lives are improved every day because our tax laws encourage people to give and I urge you to explore ways to increase the impact of those incentives.”
Click here to learn more about the hearing, including links to the video and the other witnesses' testimony.
~Lois Fu, Vice President of Public Policy, Independent Sector