John Bouman on Justice, and engaging in a Useful Life
At a recent planning meeting for an exciting new symposium that Donors Forum is planning on civic engagement (save the afternoon of Feb. 28; find details here), Sharon Bush of the Fry Foundation shared a quote from John Bouman of the Shriver Center on Poverty Law and Co-Chair of Donors Forum's Public Policy Committee.
The quote is from a speech John made in accepting William Sloane Coffin Award for Justice and Peace on November 6, 2011 from the Protestants for the Common Good. It inspired our planning group, and I wanted to share it.
“It is important and valuable to win positive changes that improve lives and equalize opportunities … but that will always be counterbalanced by the work still to do. The real goal and the lasting satisfaction come from the effort itself. To engage in a useful life, to strive for excellence, to revel in good colleagues, to serve those who need help, to re-balance the power equations in society, to increase the measure of justice just by being in the game…” ~John Bouman, November 6, 2011
~ Celeste Wroblewski, Vice President, External Relations