Protect Giving! Take Action by Signing a Letter to Congress

October 29, 2014

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the America Gives More Act with a bipartisan vote in July, but the Senate did not take a vote on the bill before adjourning for the elections. We are continuing to put pressure on Congress during "lame duck session" (starting Wed., Nov. 12) because they may vote on the following provisions:

  • Extending the deadline for claiming charitable donations on the previous year’s tax filing through April 15;
  • Permanently reinstating the enhanced deduction for donating land conservation easements;
  • Permanently reinstating and expanding the enhanced deduction for donating food inventory;
  • Permanently reinstating the IRA charitable rollover, and;
  • Simplifying the excise tax to 1 percent for private foundations' investment income.


Take a moment to sign our letter to the Illinois Congressional delegation, urging them to vote on these important charitable provisions that strengthen our impact on Illinois' communities.
Are you a private foundation? Sign this letter.
Are you an operating nonprofit or public foundation? Sign this letter.

Our next step: Donors Forum will share these letters, along with signatories, with the U.S. Representatives and Senators from Illinois on Wed., Nov. 12. We will also continue to work with other state associations, as well as our national partners — National Council of Nonprofits, Regional Association of Grantmakers, and Council on Foundations — to ensure a concerted and unified effort.
Please add your organization’s voice to ensure that vital giving incentives are restored and expanded.
Thank you!

Doug, Delia, and Caroline (The Donors Forum Strategy and Policy Team)
P.S. After consulting with our attorneys, we believe that stressing the importance of the excise tax falls under the “self-defense” exception to lobbying for private foundations.


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