The Heat is on in D.C.: Federal Policy and Implications for Grantmakers
The heat is on in D.C. Negotiations in Congress over the debt ceiling are entering the 11th hour and the ramifications for long-term spending priorities and revenue enhancing measures are huge. In this landscape, what are the big ticket items grantmakers should be watching out for? That question was the focus of Philanthropy Responds to Federal Tax Policy, a program with Andrew Schulz, Vice President, Legal and Government Relations at the Council on Foundations for Donors Forum Members on July 14.
Mr. Schulz emphasized the importance of grantmakers developing relationships with Federal lawmakers, or building off existing ones, to advocate for policies that benefit the sector and strengthen public/private partnerships. "There is a need in our society," noted Schulz, "for government, philanthropy, and the private sector to work together."
So, what are the most pressing federal issues grantmakers should be engaged about? The Council on Foundations' four top policy priorities are:
- Promoting the Charitable Sector (Charitable Deduction),
- Expand and Extend the IRA Rollover,
- Simplify Private Foundation Excise Tax, and
- Promote Rural Philanthropy.
These are areas where small changes can mean big things for grantmakers and nonprofits alike and if our sector is not "at the table," we may be "on the menu." What can you do?
- Learn about the issues (start by taking a look at Mr. Schulz's presentation and heading over the the Donors Forum website),
- Set up an in-district meeting with your local Representative or Senator and Donors Forum,
- Stay tuned for future opportunities to engage with Donors Forum on Federal policy.
~Hannah White, Public Policy Associate
Image: Valerie Lies, President and CEO, Donors Forum with Andrew Schulz at the Union League Club on July 14