What’s New in the Donors Forum Library? LibGuides!

February 2, 2015

The Donors Forum Library has a long history of serving both Members and the public by offering a print collection of journals and books that supports the nonprofit and philanthropic community, prospect research databases that allow you to search for foundations and generate individual donor profiles, introductory prospect research workshops and, of course, reference services for members.

Now, we've joined thousands of libraries worldwide that curate and share information through LibGuides — free, online resource guides on a variety of topics.

A LibGuide is an easy way to find information on a particular topic. LibGuides include:

  • A list of print books, journals, and recommended databases that are accessible at the Library to get you started on your work
  • Link to authoritative, freely available online tools, multimedia resources, and websites you can access remotely 


Find our guides at http://guides.donorsforum.org/

This month, we are launching LibGuides covering Prospect Research, The Foundation Center’s Funding Information Network, Nonprofit Jobs and Careers, and The Library’s Collection, with more guides to follow each month.

We look forward to seeing you at the Library!

— Robin K. Dillow, Library Services Coordinator and Marisa Bernstein, Librarian



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