Grantmakers and operating nonprofits exist to make positive change in the world. But we often limit the scope of what we can achieve by failing to invest in the people that comprise our organizations. Join Forefront for an active exploration of how funders and operating nonprofits can creatively and equitably invest in the staff and volunteers that make the change we seek.
Participants will leave with a clearer understanding of how to support the nonprofit workforce, examples of how funders and nonprofits are engaging in diverse types of talent-investing action, and an action plan relevant to your own organization.
Speakers will include Andrea Frye, People’s Action; Sheelah Muhammad, Steans Family Foundation; Kathy Reich, Ford Foundation; Robret Simpson, Facing Forward to End Homelessness; and Rusty Stahl, Fund the People.
Program fee: Free for Members of Forefront / $50 Non-members
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