Standards for Excellence: Mission and Strategic Planning

The Standards for Excellence Institute, a project of Maryland Nonprofits, provides nonprofits with a common-sense approach to achieving the highest standards in governance and management through an extensive library of educational resources and a nationwide network of support. As part of our commitment to serving Illinois’ social impact sector, Forefront staff members have undergone training to become Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultants who can bring best-in-practice approaches and resources to our community.

Join the Forefront team and your nonprofit colleagues in a workshop focused on Standards of Excellence in mission and strategic planning. This session will include a practical framework for capacity assessment, an outline for self-led planning, and also tools to help focus and prioritize program and organizational goals. This program is designed to be highly interactive with opportunities to workshop ideas and collaborate with peers built into our time together.

Primary Learning Goals: 

Recorded October 27, 2021.


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