Racial Equity Collective


The Racial Equity Collective (REC) is a Forefront led multi-sector collaboration of DEI leaders, non-profit + private sector organizations, philanthropic funders, and legislators committed to creating sustainable systemic change that will address and counteract the myriad of systemic inequities and divestments in the social impact sector in Illinois, both past and present.

By convening, organizing, and coordinating efforts within the social impact sector, the Collective will be able to scale racial equity infrastructure fueling greater collaboration and more cohesive and strategic action throughout the state.






Forefront’s Racial Equity Collective is a multi-sector collaboration of community leaders, non-profit and private sector organizations, philanthropic funders, and legislators working together to advance racial equity in Illinois. 


REC Cohort 2025REC Cohort 2024




Findings and Reports


Racial Equity Collective Leaders Lunch


Our Funders



The Field Foundation of Illinois

Grand Victoria Foundation

Healthy Communities Foundation

The Kresge Foundation

The Lumpkin Family Foundation

The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust

Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable Trust

Polk Bros Foundation


About Sharmin

The Racial Equity Collective is led by Forefront’s Racial Equity Collective Director Sharmin Shahjahan, a 10+ year community leader with experience in building multi-sector coalitions and advancing racial equity. Most recently, she broke barriers by becoming the first Asian American, non-Christian, and first immigrant to serve on Hanover Park’s City Council where she worked nationally and regionally to foster public-private partnerships and advanced laws and policies that cultivate an equitable and just society.

To learn more about the Racial Equity Collective, email rec@myforefront.org.

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