Blurb about why Forefront rocks, caption for photo

Forefront’s virtual summit, Solidarity & Resilience in Illinois’ Social Impact Sector, which premiered on June 24, featured diverse voices and points of view from the philanthropic, nonprofit, civic, and corporate communities, and discussed the collective future of our sector. A standing ovation is in order for our team, contributors, speakers, and donors – this event was a direct result of our collective support and commitment.

Should you have any questions about how to support upcoming programming from Forefront, please contact [email protected].

Click on this image to see our speakers.

Click on this image to see the full program.






Blurb about why Forefront rocks, caption for photo
Blurb about why Forefront rocks, caption for photo
Blurb about why Forefront rocks, caption for photo
Blurb about why Forefront rocks, caption for photo
Blurb about why Forefront rocks, caption for photo

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