Redefining Literacy for the Philanthropic Community

Literacy is a tool for liberation and equity. Understanding that, the Chicago Literacy Alliance and its network of more than 100 member organizations are working with communities to advance economic and social justice through greater access to literacy.

Join us as the CLA takes us through their Equity Through Literacy Framework – a research-based, equity-focused theory of change that connects greater literacy to positive social outcomes. This framework demonstrates literacy’s connection to access, equity, engagement, civic fluency, and ultimately community progress.

For local organizations interested in learning about mergers and acquisitions, please check out the Mission Sustainability Initiative at Forefront.

View presentation slides here.


Kaitlyn Childs, Network and Evaluation Specialist, Chicago Literacy Alliance

Jurema Gorham, Founder and Executive Director, Burst Into Books

Christy Uchida, President, The Brinson Foundation

Miriam Warren, Board Chair, Yelp Foundation



Ken Bigger, Executive Director, Chicago Literacy Alliance

Recorded September 28, 2021.


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